Short post, it's Saturday night, usually I would be wolfing down a Whopper Poutine Combo or a Pizza /w a Coke right now, but I have decided to delay my binge day from Saturday to Sunday as I have a big BBQ tomorrow and I'd like to binge like there's no tomorrow on Burgers & Dogs /w Ice cold beer! Can't wait. I have to say I am almost 2 months into this project and I am still loving it! I inputted the data I have been recording on my weight and made a chart so track my progress, I will be updating this chart as I go along mostly for myself as an encouragement. Its amazing how working out so little (about 15mins 3 times a week) and eating a healthy diet can make such consistent progress, even with my crazy binge eating once a week.
Here are my results (after 7 weeks & 3 days on slow-carb):
Weight Loss: 14.4lbs
Inches off Waist: 2.5
Inches off Hip: 2.0
Inches off Neck: 0.2
(using the circumference US NAVY Method)
*Note the spike in weight in the above chart is during a week I got shell fish poisoning, I was sick an entire day from having some shrimp in Dim Sum on one of my binge days. So I was not able to binge or eat regularly that day. Its very cool to have all this recorded data on my eating habits so I can look back on it like a black box and see what was going on exactly according to the graph. I guess food poisoning + weight loss doesn't work!
Not taking into account the added muscle I have been getting from the workouts, just these numbers alone are looking very decent. Not as fast as P90X or other intense interval training programs, but those programs were just not sustainable for me. I had no life other then work and exercise when I was on those types of programs. This slow-carb life is most definitely the easiest weight loss system I have done so far. And I have tried my share of programs trust me!
Anyway here is what I usually eat on my binge days:
Wake Up: Protein Shake
Breakfast: Eggs, Beans, Vegetables (Slow-Carb)
Lunch: Burger King Whopper Poutine Combo or equivilant fatty fast food combo
Dinner: Pizza, or Chinese food, always something I saw during the week that I wanted but couldn't have. (I believe this is a great psychological tool that helps you never to break the diet during the week)
Snacks throughout the day: A bag of chips, Reese's peanut butter cups, Coke, and some sort of pastry.
I can say I always end up gaining a couple pounds after a day of eating like this. And it feels great and the next day I don't feel the need to eat any junk food for another week as I always get a full binge day worth of goodies. 24-48 hours after my binge days all the extra weight is gone after being back on the slow-carb diet FYI.
If I had one word of advice for the binge day on the slow-carb diet. Have fun with it! Research a few really popular tasty (and fatty) restaurants or burger joints near you, grab a friend or two and have a little junk food quest that day. Ever wondered who makes the best burger in your neighbourhood? Go find out! Eat the stuff you love with zero guilt, eat all the things you've watched people eat during your non-binge days and enjoy. I put a lot of research and thought into my binge days sometimes, and make a whole day of it trying out new foods and restaurants I would normally never try.
Can you guess I'm very excited to grab some sun, some beers, and BBQ with my buddies tomorrow. It's gonna be a good day to binge. As part of my diet!