Friday, June 24, 2011

18 days and counting...

Thought I'd do a little update on progress, its been approximately 18 days since I first started this project. I have been sticking to the slow-carb diet as closely as I can. A few notes regarding the diet I explained in the previous post, first off, food becomes something you just eat, you don't really think about food at all since you only have a few choices to eat. Less choices = food becomes an afterthought. You just try to remember to eat every 4 hours (4 meals a day) and that is it. This is probably why having the same few meals over and over again is one of the 5 rules. You are tempted less as you aren't constantly thinking about food and don't binge. ONE HUGE drawback is that when you are eating out, you have almost no choices in terms of restaurants. So a little compromise is neccessary. For example unless you live beside a Chipotle and can afford to eat their Fajita Bowls everyday (its over $10 for the meal pictured above in Canada), you have to start looking elsewhere. I have been 'comprising' the legumes (beans) in meals when I eat out and opting for Chicken/Steak Salads in restaurants (pictured below). Not slow-carb friendly but you have to do what you have to do. I figure its better then eating McDonalds. So the first thing you'll notice when dining out is the lack of legumes as sides in restaurants. Almost no major chains in Canada provide beans as a regular side along with your protein.
So moving along to the progress, I have in my personal experiment have decided to do the first few weeks with zero exercise. This way I can evaluate how well the diet itself works.
Here are my results (after 18 days on slow-carb):
Weight Loss: 7lbs
Inches off Waist: 1.5
Inches off Hip: 1.5
Inches off Neck: 0
(using the circumference US NAVY Method)

I feel this is a very good indication that the diet itself works very well. Now that I have a good baseline of numbers to start, I am now incorporating the 4 Hour Body Exercise Routine that is outlined in the "Perfect Posterior" chapter in the book. It consists of 3 very workouts a week, utilizing a few tools. One of which is the Kettlebell. (I'll post about this in more detail later) These happen to be very popular and VERY expensive weights that you can purchase online or in local fitness shops. Be wary of the quality of the bells you purchase as you don't want the handle snapping off and flying through a wall. I am planning to build a homemade one as suggested in the book first, to both save some money and find out which weight is best for me. More on that later...